Well....if you are seeing the one that just posted that is clearly incomplete I apologize. I hit enter instead of shift.......so it goes. What have I been up to? Besides knitting and work and teasing my friend about her birthday present? Well clearly from the first few photos I've been torturing my dogs by taking their pictures. Quintus, above, refuses to look towards me but clearly he is giving me the stink eye, as is Gabby below because I was right in her face. The only thing holding them there was the sun, otherwise the picture would be a blur. Cleary, where food will not work anymore I can count on the sun. The picture below of Gabby is my latest favorite. It's her ball, which she loves above all things. I believe food is next on her list, followed by Dale, Mr. Brown, and then me. She has to include me on the list because I am her primary feeder, and every once in a while I can be called upon to throw that nasty little ball she loves so much. Ahh yes, I also went home to Mi...