1. Two bads never ever equal a better. 2. Muffins or Cupcakes I will always eat the top last. D thought it would be funny one time to teach me a lesson regarding this little nuance of my behavior, so at a party he sees my cupcake top sitting on my plate and he walks by and quick stuffs it in his mouth. He said it was to teach me a lesson, but I think we all know who learned a lesson that night. 3. While it is always to have good oral hygiene habits for both man and beast alike I would like to strongly caution you against keeping the beasts tooth paste next to your own toothpaste. Trust me when I say the beast will get much more enjoyment from your toothpaste gracing his brushes bristles than you will trying to do a massive mouthwash flush of poultry flavored peppermint paste. Learn from my mistake...... 4. I always feel sorry for people who I either happen to be talking to or emailing at the moment my medication kicks in. It can't be fun, but you all are such good sports about it. ...
Knit Heal Love Repeat