It's the final Friday before the big feed next week and I am frantically, franctically trying to tie up loose ends before wrapping myself in family, food, and yarn (not necessarily in that order) It's like I'm waiting for the gunshot that signals 'GO!' A gunshot would definitely get me going. I'm taking all of next week off and I can't wait. I realized a couple days ago that the taking care of me part has fallen to the bottom of the turnip basket, underneath work, husband, dogs, dogs, dogs, dogs... I need some time to rejuvenate and refocus on me. I've put on about 10 pounds I'm breaking out in weird spots on my face. You could store potatoes in the bags under my eyes. I need my mama :) I always love making proclimations of getting healthy right before a day that's dedicated to feasting. I think it makes all the delicious dishes taste even more delicious. Turkey is turkey. I love the side dishes and if you follow me on ...