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Family Night....

It's Wednesday October 21, 2009 and in a way it's a family night. It's my nephews birthday. My brothers first son, and when I spoke to my brother on the phone I asked. "can you believe it's been four years?". I can't. I remember the day I found out my nephew was born. Maria brought me a post it note with all the specs on it because I was on hold with an insurance company. I was sad I missed the call, but thrilled at the event. Especially since I was able to see him a couple weeks later. They are celebrating tonight 3,000 miles away but they are in my thoughts, always. My nephew on my husbands side came next. Dale's younger brother and his partner gave us another nephew. I was there for that one. All I can say is wow......and wow again. Then my brother gave me one more and he'll be 3 soon. My question is this, how does time pick up speed as we get older, when we start moving slower, things go faster? I don't think it's fair. I don't know that I'm ready for all of my nephews to be entering Pre-school, kindergarten, riding their first bikes, climbing their first dirt pile, and basically wanting to wear only the darkest blue jeans to school. On that same note, I'm not ready for my beautiful niece to technically be in her third year of college and my older nephews to be in their first year of college. Wasn't I just there, at one of the many I attended? If I have to write how old I am on a form I actually have to think about it because really, I feel as if I'm still 23. Would I change what I have now? Probably not. Would I change some things in the past? I would say no to that as well. Why you ask? Simply Because. No, that's my mom's answer. I wouldn't change anything from the past, because without it I would be who I am right now. Was it hard? Sure. Did I have fun? Sometimes. Would I do it again? Only if I could take with me the knowledge I have now, and even then there ares ome things that said knowledge would change and I would change them for the world. Are there things I don't talk about here? Yes, but please know that this is the time of year when two people who I hold near and dear to my heart came into my life and forever made it better and at the same time I repaid the favor. I wouldn't change that for all the money in the world. Is tonight the anniversary of when I met them? I don't know, it's close though. I remember a lot of random things but that one, I just know the month. So, October is dear to me, not only do I celebrate my wedding anniversary to the greatest man in the world, whom is absolutely perfect for me, I celebrate the birth of my brothers first child, many friends birthday's, and the day I met two people who would forever be a part of my life. Cheers.

This weekend I get to celebrate my friends birthday with 4 of the greatest women in my life. I can't wait. I am so lucky to have these four girls as friends because really, I don't think that anyone could make me laugh harder when they say cool whip, or tell me about their demonically loving cat, ask if they can practice their handcuffing technique, and come and breath deep the aroma of pumpkin pie in my office for just a bit of peace during a busy day. All four of them do something every day that makes me laugh till tears pour out of my eyes and if they would let me I'd totally publish a book of our insane conversations, knowing that it would be a best seller among best friends everywhere. So, this weekend the four of us are going to be loose in the wilderness (not really) eating macarooni and cheese, no bake cookies, monkey bread, and possibly our share of a local brewery, we'll do it together, we laugh, we'll poke fun, and in the end, we'll all get in the hot tub, even if I have to do it with a bra under my suit because it's too pathetic to hold up the girls.

I am pretty sure that I won't be posting any 'clear' pictures of the weekend celebration but I'll do my best to try an capture the moment for all.
see you on the other side of the wine bottle


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