You know what I'm talking about....that moment when everything is exactly right....the yard looks beautiful, you don't cringe when you walk into the laundry room, you aren't afraid to use the bathroom after your spouse has been in there, the dogs are sleeping, dinner is all figured out, the knitting is cruising along at an alarming right of perfection and then all hell breaks loose..........
the dogs get fleas
the yard apparenlty got its roots on some steroids and has made it's attack
someone ordered the south of the border omlette at breakfast
you haven't caught up on the laundry all week and have been dressing in the laundry room
you make a minor mistake in your knitting 20 rows back and try to talk yourself into believing it's not noticeable and it'll be fine and just keep knitting more rows as it taunts you with its horridness and you finally scream, toss, and swear at the yarn as you rip it out and start over.............on a completely knew project.