2. Looking under the car for wayward objects (balls)
3. Sniffing all around the car for any odd odors
4. Making sure our sticker guy stayed on task, which I'm sure Tracy appreciated
5. She also gives unsolicited advice (growls)
6. Every morning when I go down to the Laundry Room I am required to let Shop Dog into the Race Shop so that she can verify that all is well with the Race Car. She hasn't brought BigBaby (her hippo) into the Race Shop yet but I think she senses that it's not a place for toys but for serious race business. (uh-huh)
Sadly the Nasturtium sock wasn't working right for me which is odd because it has in the past, oh well, I ripped it out and was going to do a long scarf with a ruffle down one side then realized that I didn't want to do that, so that got ripped and now I am starting another Multnomah Shawlette by HelloKnitty. It's a nice simple meditative shawl to knit because the first half is relaxing stress free garter stitch with a few yarn overs thrown in to mix it up. Let me say this, Dream In Color, you make a fine yarn that has withheld my ripping it out 4 times and it still knits up as great as it did the first time, It's not my style to rip out so many times in a row without hurling the yarn across the room but I'm in love by the sparkle and by the feel so rip it and knit it and eventually something will spring forth, maybe something I can wear for my birthday :)
all the books I've read on Boxer Behavior have noted that Boxer like a good bit of work to do, Apparently Shop Dog is the work that Gabby likes.......