I'm not one for killing myself knitting Christmas gifts for people...nor am I one to plan ahead like my friend Marcy, who I believe was done with her Christmas knitting by December first...
Not my style...
However, every year I get the itch to crack out a few projects for my loved ones...
They all consist of super bulky yarn and big needles... If I can knit more than one per day the better...
I like to sit by my tree listening to the Christmas Music on the radio, Mr. Brown snoring in the chair and Gabby dropping her stinky ball in my lap next to my yarn every thirty seconds...
That's what we are all doing now.
Dinner is done and put away...
Christmas on the radio
And Burly Spun on the needles...
So here it goes.
Wish me luck...
I might just wrap these as I finish them.