You probably think I'm putting boobs on the owls...
That's right, I said Owls
I've knit another one and have plans for many many more
I love them.
My current one that I just finished is Stan.
Doesn't interact well with others and is terribly shy.
When he hears someone approaching his office he makes a dash for the spider fern and hides.
Just like the owls...
That's right, I said Owls
I've knit another one and have plans for many many more
I love them.
My current one that I just finished is Stan.
He's a serious sort.
Enjoys working with numbers Doesn't interact well with others and is terribly shy.
When he hears someone approaching his office he makes a dash for the spider fern and hides.
He enjoys the finer things in life as well, a dry gin martini at night, and a fresh cup of coffee from my thermos in the morning at work.
It's all about routine and ritual with Stan. He's looking for love but hasn't had much luck on the Owl to Owl dating website.
Maybe someone will pop up soon for Stan.
I think we all know it will.
Probably this weekend.
In the meantime, as Stan cruises the dating site, crunches numbers and drinks my coffee, I'm working on a pair of Antler Mittens by Alexa Ludeman you can find the pattern here
I wanted to use more of my Blue Sky Alpaca Worsted Hand Dyed yarn...
As soon as I finish these I'll be a knitter with Matching Accessories
That's right
I said it...
It be the start of something...