Crazy right?
A 'Finished Object' post.
It is crazy.
It's been a crazy busy summer and we're speed rolling right into a crazy busy fall...
America's Knitting kicked off their next Knit-A-Long which is super fun and I'm super excited about... (because it was my idea has nothing to do with the excitement)
We're doing a KAL that features all the accessory designs by Never Not Knitting's Alana Dakos!
I'll gush more later on my love of all things Alana.
So lets see, crazy busy
1. Knit-a-long
2. turn and burn trip to the Twin Cities coming up
3. long trip to Maui (hurry hurry hurry)
4. return from Maui in time to head up to the mountains for Oktoberfest (I have a better plan this year than I did last year)
5. return from Oktoberfest and get two weekends at home before the So Much Yarn retreat in Langley with my mom.
Once I get through all this I'll be hard staring at Thanksgiving, our Christmas party, Christmas Craziness
I think I'll take my yarn and go hibernate with Fuzzy Wuzzy. I have the hat to keep me cozy!
However, I do have a finished object (actually I have two to talk about but the second one isn't photo ready yet so you get this one).
Haleakala Hat
Pattern: Garter Ear Flap Hat from the Purl Bee Blog
Yarn: Malabrigo in Fuchsia
Needles: size 6 16"
Difficutly: advanced beginner, short rows can give you palpitations but Purl Bee has a great tutorial and when you do them in garter stitch you don't have to pick up your wraps (picking up wraps give me palpitations)
I love it.
I love it
I love it
I totally screwed it up again though. Just like I screwed up Baby G's but it still looks awesome.
It covers my ears perfectly
The tassel is just floppy enough for my taste without look foolish like some oversized pompom
The best part
This pattern ranges in sizes from Baby G size to Crazy Aunt Carmel Size. Maybe we'll do a selfie with our matching hats when I hit the Twin Cities...