Oh Thanksgiving! Honestly it is one of my favorite dinners to cook. I make these cabernet cranberries a couple days ahead of time. The day before I make this chocolate pie and this pecan pie The recipe calls for bourbon. I put in two tbls of Makers Mark and it was amazing! I make sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing in the bird, dinner rolls, and of course a monster turkey. My gravy game is off the hook. I set my sweet potatoes on fire. ON FIRE Calmly calling to the guests in the living room 'fire in the kitchen, we have a fire in the kitchen' D grabbed the dish from the oven, flames leaping high and put them out on the grill where I believe there are still some hot spots... see the remaining hot spots... this was about an hour after the fire. Why do I love cooking Thanksgiving dinner? I love the leftovers of Thanksgiving dinner. When I don't torch my sweet potatoes I eat them for breakfast the whole rest of the weekend. Oh well... int...
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