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We Just Blew Thru Fair-Isle Friday...

By the time I realized I had missed posting Fair-Isle Friday it was Sunday Morning.
So I thought 'I'll just combine FIF with Weekend Rewind' and it'll be an extra long photo heavy post.

Well, as you can see, I missed the 'Weekend Rewind' post also.

Oh well.
I'm making up for it now.
Which is really a bonus because I have so much Fair-Isle stuff to show you.

I have my finished second Epistropheid.
I have two finished Boston Flip hats that are being shipped to Idaho land of the cold for one of the cutest couples I know... (I'm wholly basing the cuteness of the couple on my girlfriend in said couple because she is one of the bright lights in my world and someday I'll meet the lucky man who married her)

Then, last night I did a deep dive.

DEEP dive into the stash trying to find yarn for one project and ended up with a Fair-Isle I started four years ago.


However. The pattern with my color card and notes was gone. To quote SpillyJane.


1. Epistropheid II with a **fur pompom by Kate Davies

2. Boston Flip by Thea Coleman of BabyCocktails. I used Plymouth Galway Worsted. I had enough from two balls to knit two hats reversed.

3. The Four Years Buried Peerie Flooers by Kate Davies

For the record. I did knit one of these already.

The crown of my first Peerie Flooers.
 Four years ago and gave it to my friend Kaitlyn. Which she still *wears God Love Her.
I think I started this one immediately after I gave Kaitlyn hers.
Then shoved it away for what? Better projects? Summer? Frustration looking at all those horrifying ***hellish tails I was going to have to weave? Who knows, but away it went till February 26, 2018.
It's back.
Minus the pattern with all my notes.
So the first part of my morning was figuring out where the heck am I in the pattern.
Second, bribing someone to print me a color copy of the chart.
Then, and it's a big THEN, I remembered. The last time I completed this hat I had to google instructions on how to do the decreases, so I did it. I am a big fan of Kate Davies designs and this is why. She provided a whole page on her website on how to work her decrease charts. Click here and bookmark this baby where you can always go back...
It still took me another minute or 10 to grasp what I was doing.
I worked 2 rounds.
Made my notes.
I'm back in business.
I need to still figure out the damn color combos I was working.
I can do that with a glass of wine tonight.
*Receivers of hand knitted gifts. Please please please. In this day and age of selfies and camera phones you would tickle every single knitter in your life if you snapped a photo of you or a loved one wearing what was knit especially for them and either texting, emailing, social media'ing, the heck out of it. I LOVE seeing my knits in the wild on my friends. I have a few friends who receive a lot of stuff from me and the main reason is because I see them using it. xoxo

**The Fur PomPom: I found mine on Amazon. My first suggestion for you though, if you are going to buy a fur pompom to adorn the top of your beautiful handknits, check your LYS first. The prices are comparable and honestly your LYS is going to make it so much easier for you to find just what you need and make sure it has the flow you want. Check out my IG to see my sexy pompom video. Also as I stated before. I know there is big controversy between fake fur and real fur. I respect everyones opinion. I don't respect being mean and hurtful to people for the choices they make. That being said, I will do better to find fake fur pompoms with fabulous flow.

***Hellish Tales. Thank you to Mason Dixon Knitting. I have decided that since I am keeping this for me that I will just knot and snip the tails and not weave. Judge if you must but the idea of weaving all those tales makes me shudder. 


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