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One Snow Day for Another...

Long live three-day weekends.
It means I can maximize vacation time and do a quick run back to Minnesota to visit family and surprise friends on their actual birthday.

Because of a snowstorm getting ready to hit the Mpls/St.Paul area on Friday 01/17 when I was supposed to land my family travel agent moved me to a red-eye so I got to mom's house at 6:00 a.m. Friday instead of 12:00 Friday.

We had lunch at Coalition in Excelsior which I highly recommend their take on street tacos and their house salad is delicious.

Lunches with mom are always fun because we are champion day drinkers.

Which results in naps when we get home.

Especially for me have only 3 hours of highly interrupted sleep on my flight where my seat mate got really drunk on red wine and started rapping outloud whatever f'bombing gangster rap was playing in his headphones.

Could not walk away fast enough when the plane disembarked.

I digress.

Naps. Where I fell asleep in the chair in my bedroom and was in a most uncomfortable position for a woman my age.
Next time I get woken up by Dolly I'll have her snap a photo.

I cooked a fabulous salmon dinner for mom. You can click Salmon and it'll take you to the recipe. Serve with fresh bread and asparagus. Winner of a dinner.

By this time the snow storm that was predicted had been in full swing for six hours.

Early to bed.
Slept for 9 hours straight.

I need to point out a fun fact here.
Old people are always cold.
My mom keeps her house at a balmy 75-80 degrees 24/7
Friday night in Minneapolis I believe was checking in at 0 degrees.


One hot flash in heat like that and Mom and MooMoo would have found me the next day a pile of ash in the cozy nest of a bed I had made.

Saturday I planned to make brownies and chicken and dumplings for mom. Plus I had plans for brunch with the head of moms care team.

Headed to Kowalskis, the best grocery store in the midwest. If your in Florida it's Publix. Minnesota, Kowalskis is the place to be.

I found a travel boxer named Bruno who I snapped up immediately and blew my travel allowance.
Totally worth it. I love JellyCat toys ever since my nephew was a baby with his monkey Chip.

Spent the afternoon with my brother and sister-in-law, niece and nephews. Such a good afternoon. Talked a lot. Made plans for the next day to get together.

Sunday was my friends birthday and I hadn't told her I was in town. With my mom and her dementia it gets tricky gauging her moods so I usually don't tell anyone I'm in town until I'm there.

So Mom and I drove to Megan's and surprised her.
Thank you Dave for helping especially because I gave you such short notice.

Brunch with mom and friends.
Snacks and Champs with my family that night.

Awesome weekend.

All I knit was one tiny cat.
That stayed in Minnesota with mom and Box Cat.

Happy Thursday!
Hope you had a wonderful long weekend.
Mom loves to feed the squirrels and they were really going to town Monday morning before I flew home...


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