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A New Year's Eve Thank You

As we roll into a new year in a matter of hours, I wanted to take a moment to say thank-you.

Thank you for reading what I write.
Thank you for the comments.
Thank you being an ear to my ramblings.

Thank you to for your support when we said good-by to Gabby.
When my knitting took a sharp turn to 'f-itupville'
Thank you for your kind, warm welcome to Phoebe showing up.

I have a lot in a year to be thankful for and even though I don't say it, the gratitude is there.

2014 with the Rentals
For my family, who is always there at the end of a text, call, email, or card. For just being there, knowing that whatever the need, whatever the celebration, the problem, they are right there with me.

For D. Really, if husbands cashed a paycheck, this boy should get combat pay some days. No one sees my ups, downs, and in betweens quite like him. No one centers me back to almost normal quite like him.

We're entering year 13 of marriage. I have a feeling it could be the most exciting yet. 
for the record. D is not trying to punch me in this photo, he was getting ready to hone in on some selfie action at this Seahawk game 6 years ago.

For my friends, my dear dear friends who I didn't see nearly enough of this year, and a lot of that was on me and the ups, the downs, and the spinning out of controls. I know you are there, you know I am there, you know I love all of you with my whole heart. I'm looking at you, Lisa, Vicki, and Kim.

For the dogs. Gabby, my sweet girl, who we still miss every day. Mr. Brown, my handsome old man, you're still plugging away at life with the same spirit you had 12 years ago when we brought you home. Phoebe, for bringing a level of excitement into our house unlike any we've ever experienced before. The life she led before us didn't dim her sweet inquisitive spirit. She's crazy, but she's our kind of crazy.

To all my friends at Washington Boxer Rescue. Really, all the years we've had our dogs, trips to the vets, the 2:00 a.m. phone calls after the Hamburger Bun Incident of 2014, The Tissue Incident of 2012, followed by the Trophy Cupcake Episode of 2012, and lets not forget the Memory Foam Moment of 2013 when Mr. Brown ate his new orthopedic bed. The support from WBR and the friends of WBR, has always been amazing, fun, and opened many new doors with many new friends.

I hope you all have had an amazing year.
I hope your plans for 2016 are magical.

Thank you to everyone who is apart of my world.

Happy New Year.


Mary Neill said…
Lordy I luv ya Carmel! Happy New Year lady!
Melanie said…
Thank you too Carmel. Thanks for your blog, the fun you bring into my life with it, your photo's and all you do to share your life with us. Happy New Year, hope it's great!

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